Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Missing Home

I am always torn between living my life to the fullest and going home to my folks and spend time with them and serve them, not because it's my obligation but because I really wanna do it. As I am working overseas I don't get a lot of time and chances to spend time with my family. I can't remember when I started feeling this way. I just realize one day that I wanna retire from the outside world and go home and spend the rest of my living days being with my old folks in our little village. But at the same time, I wanna see pieces of the world. I wanna experience things, I wanna travel more and my ultimate goal is to visit Switzerland and the countryside of Italy. I wanna see more concerts and fulfill my fangirl goals. I wanna laze around in beautiful, off the beaten path islands. So you see, I'm really torn. And the fact that I cannot retire because I'm broke and I don't have the right to go home and be a bum (hahaha). Also if I don't work I cannot provide for my family, ugh the life of the poor (hehehe)

Because of the NCov-19 I didn't go home for my summer break. I was supposed to go home and spend my summer break with my family, it was unplanned but our dearest uncle is sick and my sister and my cousins decided to send me back home for summer break. To be honest I don't like riding the airplane and I was worried how am I gonna survive my journey home alone and with fear of flying. It was stressing me out,  but I was still willing to do it for the love of my family and just to see our sick uncle. Oh well, just weeks before my flight the pandemic broke and the world shut down so are airports and flights were canceled. Countries closed their borders and they just locked down. I was relieved that it was canceled before my schedule because I realize if I went home then it will leave us with no extra income and I might get trap there, a lot of Filipinos that went home to the Philippines are having a hard time coming back here in Thailand. Now is the time that we need money to sustain our family's needs and our sick uncle's medication. So I'm thankful that I didn't get to go home. I am still blessed to keep my job amidst the pandemic and the mass lay off and mass firing. They cut our school allowance but at least we still get paid for our basic salary. It is not enough but I survived, I got to eat and buy things and I was able to support my family. I am just waiting for this pandemic to be over, for a cure or vaccine I will take the first chance I get to go home in the Philippines. 

         “Family is not an important thing. It’s everything.” –Michael J. Fox

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

The day I became a WEAKLING!

So, last year I got some misfortunes and I wrote about it in one of my blog posts. 
I wasn't prepared for what other people think about me after all of these misfortunes. I thought when I healed everything will be fine like nothing happened. But what I didn't know is that the people around me think otherwise. They now see me as a damsel in distress and a weakling. At first, I thought it was because I was still healing, but it will be a year soon and I am totally healed but they still think that I am this vulnerable person and again a weakling. Well, you see I use to be this strong person (that's how they see me) physically. In our department whenever there are things that are heavy and needed to be lifted they always rely on me. But now when I lift something they would always remind me of my injured hand and that they would always take it from me. They never fail to remind me to be careful and all. I do appreciate it but sometimes it kind of annoys me, I mean I know that I got injured and that I need to be careful, they don't have to remind me every time about it. I have these friends who are always worried whenever I lift things or carry a lot of things. Even though I was using the other hand they still think I'm too weak to carry it. As simple as walking, going down, or up the stairs or doing something using my hand they would always remind me to be careful or again they would do it themselves. Sometimes it's funny and sometimes it's annoying. Ugh, I really didn't expect it to be like this.

Well maybe I needed reminding, I don't know really. Just last week I slipped on a slippery floor. The funny thing was I reminded myself to be careful and not to walk on the part but...yeah I still did walk on the part and baaam I slipped. Like how on earth I am like this. It always happens to me. I hate it. To be honest I feel like I will be the cause of my own demise. Seriously sometimes it scares me. Just how many times I dodge being hit by a vehicle but what if I won't be fast or quick or lucky next time. I got hit once and I am hoping against hope it won't happen again. I seriously need to upgrade my focus and attention whenever I'm outside and especially crossing the streets. It is because more often than not my mind would just automatically wander or just in dazed with my surrounding. I should really improve myself in terms of being alert and aware. I love mindless walking but I think I should not practice it. 

Oh well, I just want to let it out, what I feel about these people thinking that I'm a weakling and it's no use telling them that I'm fine because they already marked me as such. 

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Surviving this Pandemic (Ncov-19) (Fear and Paranoia amidst the pandemic)

Months ago I didn't have any idea what  "coronavirus" was. Just before the Ncov-19 really broke out I was sick, I and my sister caught the flu. We had a fever and coughing really bad, she's got asthma and I got bronchitis we had this while other countries have been already hit by the virus. I was confident it was not the Ncov-19 cuz during that time it was just in Wuhan, China. But as they announced the symptoms of the Ncov-19 I got worried because the symptoms are so similar to my bronchitis which I would have every now and then. Sore throat, fever, body pain, you see I get sick almost most of the time and these are normal for me. I dread getting sick on normal days how much more now that my usual sickness got the same symptoms as the Ncov-19 (sigh). 

I didn't really pay attention to SARS and MERS before because I didn't feel its effect in my everyday life, and it kind of feel like no virus could reach our far away little village. When the news of the NCOV-19 broke out I still didn't pay much attention to it, well the thought of "it's happening in other countries" gave the assurance that it won't reach where I am. But things blew up and suddenly people who got infected are all over the place. I stay here in Thailand in one of its provinces which is 4 hours away from Bangkok. When the first case was confirmed in Bangkok that's when reality hit me, this is getting serious. I think when it was first broke out everything was so scary and everyone was panicking and scared and paranoia started kicking in. The thought of going out and being exposed outside was scary and some people started locking down themselves at home even before the official announcement was out. With little information about NCov-19 we all feared what it could do. The exaggerated information, misinformation, and too many fake news feed people's paranoia. I've seen people panic buying cause I was there (lol) did I panic buy? nope, I was buying in bulk for something else but for sure I sure look like panic buying too. (lol). Funny cause every time there was a big announcement that made people panic buy I sure always there again bulk buying but not for me. (hahaha) 

When the government here announces the curfew and restrictions and closing down the public it really scared me. The uncertainty of everything started to kick in and I was like "what am I gonna do?" When other schools closed and started the work from home policy, I expect our school to follow. So just to be sure I bought groceries worth for a month, and mentally preparing myself to isolate and all. But nope! we didn't get that isolation thing happened (lol) we were required to still report in school for the whole month of March. Well so much for mentally preparing for isolation (hahaha). When the month of April comes they said we can work from home BUT we still need to scan in in the morning and after that, we can go home and do our work, HAHAHA amazing right???? again so much for isolation. We had cases here in our province, so my routine was my place and school. I would wake up early in the morning scan in and go back to sleep. (good thing my place is just minutes away from school). Then I change my routine, I went back to running, then scan in, then home. For a month that has been my routine, to be honest, we didn't feel like we were on lockdown, like other places. There are businesses that are close but most of the small businesses are open and people are still out and about. I was surprised to see that, cause I thought everyone was isolating. 

Thailand has been doing everything they can to combat this pandemic, watching the updates every day made me updated what's happening in this country. Good thing that they have updates in English, I really appreciate it. As I am writing this, there have been no cases in our province and zero death all over Thailand. (June 13, 2020). Thailand has flattened the curve but there are people who believe that somehow it's not accurate. The situation here now in Thailand is almost back to normal. They have lifted the restrictions, but they are following the "new normal" now. People need to wear masks, social distancing (which is not followed) I went to the malls this week, I think social distancing is hard to follow as people tend to walk closer and stand closer to each other. There are hand sanitizers everywhere and also they have this app where people need to check-in and check out, I think it easy to track people just in case there are gonna be cases again. Just in case you cannot use your handphone they have a logbook where people can write. They also check the temperature before going inside any establishments. I know that almost everything is getting back to normal but I still have my doubts, we cannot let our guard down. As long there's no cure or vaccine I cannot be at peace with this pandemic. I really want this to be over because I wanna go home in the Philippines and spend time with my family. I was supposed to go home last April but because of the lockdown all flights were canceled and airports are shut down too. 

A funny thing happened to me, so we need to report to our school every day the whole month of March, everyone was cautious and trying to be aware of everything. I was fine that day like nothing unusual happened in school, but when I got home I felt pain or more like muscle pain all over my body and I had a fever that night (hahaha) IMAGINE my fear, cause the symptoms of the virus includes fever and body pain. I didn't get a good sleep that night, paranoia and fear crept in. What I was worried about was the people I might get infected my co-teacher got kids, that really got me worried. (sigh) And I was with my friend Taylor who decided to spend the lockdown with me. We were discussing that all for one one for all if I really got the virus (hahaha). So I didn't report to school the next day but the fever was gone and I was a little bit better. It was a false alarm but the thing is with this pandemic going on you can never too sure. I lost count on how many times that I felt a little bit strange and it would scare the hell out of me. (ughhh). It's funny how the simple sickness escalated to a red alert level like a fever it used to be normal sickness and the only person that would worry about it probably is our moms but now when you get a fever the whole community or municipality would worry and freak out about it (hahaha). There was also an incident that Taylor got a call from his co-workers because there was a case in their place and as they do the tracing they found out that the date that patient traveled on a bus was the same day as Taylor, so they were confirming if it's the same bus as Taylor or not. Again IMAGINE our fear, Taylor was so worried and we started counting all the people he talked with and he encountered with, we were more worried about the people who might get infected because of us (geez). Again we were like "well my friend all for one, one for all it is." (hahaha). We waited for the confirmation and I must admit it was the most stressful wait of our lives! It took hours before they call him again and confirmed that it was not the same bus, relief took over and we were so done for that day. (hahaha). 

During these trying times, a lot has happened, the world shut down, and people isolated themselves which gave mother earth time to heal. The economy is down, businesses and almost everything shut down. The virus hit everywhere and it didn't care if its first or third world country. It didn't care about status, world leaders, celebrities, the middle class, and the poor were infected. I read a lot about the struggles of the fronliners, and how they are our true heroes in this pandemic. There are people who are stepping up in making a difference amidst this pandemic, people who are helping those who don't have anything (food, shelter, etc), people who donated masks, and other needed stuff for the frontliners and for those who are less fortunate people. I read a lot of acts of kindness stories amidst this pandemic.
It goes to show how we as humans have compassion for each other and there's always goodness in our twisted dangerous world. 

I read about the sufferings too and the struggles of the people who try to make ends meet in this situation. There are people who took their lives because of this pandemic. The virus didn't just take the lives of those who got infected, it took lives even those who don't have it. It feeds the mental struggles of the people, it brought domestic violence to new heights, it tore families apart, it took hundreds of thousands of lives. There are good and bad that happened during this pandemic, it showed how the human race is resilient and trying to survive but it also showed a lot of idiots and ignorant people causing more harm. I'm sorry for my words but that's how I see those people. Through this pandemic, I have seen the best and worst of the human race. 

As for me, I am trying my best to survive, I and my family here in Thailand are doing our best to stay healthy and just survive this pandemic. We are far from our family in the Philippines and the best way for us to ensure that we gonna meet them someday when this is over is to take care of ourselves and stay focus on surviving, this too shall pass, it's not gonna be long now, I know this pandemic will be over soon in the mighty name of Jesus. I can't wait to go home in the Philippines and spend time with my family. I hope for our human race to survive this and to be united in facing this pandemic. 
We Heal as One!

 I know people might think that it's fine now but we can never be too sure. We still need to be cautious and continue to have good hygiene and wear masks. 

“Challenges are what make life interesting. Overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.”