Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Pieces of the World: JAPAN

Japan is the one country that people need to visit. And it's been 5 years since my cousin wanted us to visit her in Japan. So despite the odds we were able to visit Japan and experience it firsthand. I didn't expect that we would be able to pull it off with a little amount of preparation and money! As I've mentioned before in the previous posts, we are poor travelers and what we usually do is "suicide" travel, like we just travel with no savings and most of our travels are impromptu. 

Japan is a wonderful country, we went to the usual tourist spots to experience the main cities and attractions. We stayed for 12 days and went to 11 cities, it was hectic and bone tiring but it was all worth it. Being in Japan, especially in Tokyo it's like being in a real-life anime world. The people, the places, and the scenes I saw reflect what I usually watch in a slice-of-life kind of anime. The food was superb! all of the food that we ate is on another level of tasty. Everything in Japan is cool, on another level, and anime-like. We also visited my cousin's place which is outside Tokyo and we stayed there for 2 days. I would love to go back and explore the quieter side of Japan. 

Monday, January 11, 2021

Pieces of the WORLD (Koh Mak and Koh Kood again)

Koh Mak 

There is no doubt that Koh Mak is still the best island for me and Bangbao Beach in Koh Kood is still the best beach for me. I am glad to get a chance to go back to these beautiful islands. 
This time I went to my fave islands with some friends and my sister and of course Taylor. 
We stayed in Koh Mak for 3 days, and we had the best days at Coco Cape! 2 years ago there's no entrance fee, but now they have a 200 Bhat (per person) entrance fee with free drinks (any drinks). When we came back for the second time cuz my friends loved the place we paid 100 Bhat (per person) with free soft drinks. We stayed there the whole day. 

We stayed at Miss You Beach resort which is beside the pier, I thought it's a bad idea, but the place is nice. The beach is nice too just bring your insect repellent for the sand flies and all insects (lol). Well, the thing is I was the only one who got many bites out of us, I know I am prone to insect bites but didn't expect to have a lot. It kind of freaks me out, but I know it's normal, so life goes on. 

I thought we explored the island when we were there, but I was proven wrong because we still found some hidden spots. Maybe because my travel agent of a sister was with us (lol). She always wants to visit places whenever we go traveling, unlike me and Taylor we are more than happy to stay in our accommodation and swim all day long. But with my sister, she wants to explore more places whenever we travel. I think it's a good thing, now we get to discover more places that are off the beaten path like the Lost kingdom of Somchai's affection. WE get to have sunrise and sunset viewing, and it's always magical to witness both. We also really enjoy the food, all the food we had in Koh Mak was all tasty. Finally, we get to eat fresh seafood. A funny thing happened to us, so on our way to Banana Sunset Bar our golf cart broke down in front of the good man's house. He called the owner to inform them of what happened. Luckily the owner passed by from somewhere and the good man explained what happened. So they replaced our golf cart with a cute pink one (lol) and gave our thanks to the good man and the owner and off we go to our destination. Now, on our way back my sister was like let's ask the good man about his place (eatery) so we can have our breakfast at his place. So we went back to the good man's place and our golf cart broke down again (lol) it won't start. His place is closed, so we thought he's not there when we're about to leave the cart won't start. And so we called for him, and he was so kind enough to call the owner of the cart again. And when it was fixed they all drove behind us, even the good man drove behind us, I think they just want to make sure will make it home without another glitch (lol). That was so kind of them. The next day we went back to Coco Cape and enjoyed our last day. We swam to our heart's content. 

The lost Kingdom of Somchai's Affection 

Coco Cape

Around Koh Mak

Koh Kood

My third time in Koh Kood and the third time staying in Siam Beach Resort nothing beats the crystal clear water on Bangbao Beach. This time we were joined by new sets of friends. While the other two went home. We had a nice time until our second day when we had an accident. It was a rainy morning, we didn't really plan how to spend our day that day, but we were planning to do waterfalls hopping and the fisherman's village but since it was raining all morning we kind of just enjoyed swimming. Then suddenly they decided to go out and go to fisherman's village as it stopped raining, we kind of debated on renting the motorcycles or renting a pickup because I am not a confident driver but in the end, we got the motorcycles and the staffs were like against it cuz for one motorcycle there'll be 3 people riding,
but they just said okay. So Taylor, my sister, and  Lori in one motorcycle, then me and MJ (she's the driver). We went on, and I think after 20 minutes of driving the accident happened. MJ was driving slow and Taylor went on ahead of us. It was a curve road and what welcomed us was them on the road with blood. I kid you not that scene still haunted me, it was panic and chaos for all of us. I was a mess and it was just traumatic. We are thankful to that auntie who helped us, called the hospital, and stayed with us. I was trembling the whole ordeal while checking on my sister and my friends. I was closed to breaking down myself, seeing my sister there on the road, my friend Lori bleeding in the head, Taylor full of wounds. Yoh!!!!! it's not that easy. But we all stayed strong and waited for the ambulance. Thankfully, it was all minor injuries. PRAISE GOD!  And so after that, we went back to the resort and rested. I am so grateful to the staff of Siam Beach Resort for their assistance all throughout. We went back to the hospital the next day for check-up and cleaning of the wounds. And I think because we as Filipinos are resilient, and we have the ability to still be happy and laugh even in adversity, we still get to enjoy our stay in Koh Kood. We still went to Fisherman's Village in a pickup and had a sumptuous lunch with fresh seafood. Even the staff from the resort were surprised that we still want to go (lol). And after that, I still get to enjoy swimming, but poor Taylor can't even go near the water. Koh Kood definitely gave a hell of a remembrance. But I would still love to go back!




Saturday, September 12, 2020

ZippoFippo being a Dog mom for two weeks

 I never thought a time would come that I would have a chance to be a dog mom even for a brief period. I mean, yes I always wanted to have a dog of my own but I am not yet ready for now and also I'm a bit irresponsible and lazy so how can I take care of another living thing aside myself??? My neighbor and a friend have a dog and I see how she takes care of it like a kid and the time she spent with her dog takes a lot of time. So I was thinking that it's not yet for me to have my own dog. Aside from all the things that she does for her dog, there's also the finances. From buying the food, to vet visit to peepad and other dog stuff. I can't barely support myself cuz I always fell short with my finances. I am still blessed for all the provisions that God has given me, that's why I'm not really struggling. And lastly, I'm not yet ready to have my own dog as I am an ex-pat and in the future, I will go home in my country and how am I gonna bring my dog back home? I am scared of flying and how am I gonna survive having a dog and all when traveling. So thinking all these things I am sure not to get a dog while I'm here in Thailand. But then this tiny baby pup came to us. It was meant for my friend since she's a dog mom. To make the story short the owner of the pup abandoned him and so they tried to find him a new home. A co-teacher who knew that my friend is dog mom decided to give it to my friend we were a mess cause it came unexpectedly and it was that time that I won in a K-pop event, so we were just so happy and excited when the pup came we were like what are we gonna do with it, my friend suggested that I took it but I refused as I've said I'm not yet ready. So she said she will take care of it and will try to find a home for him. But for two straight nights, Max (that's what she named him) was crying in the middle of the night and so my friend was losing it (hahaha). She was so determined to give him back to those people who gave it to us. So I offered to take him at night so they could get some sleep. When Max was with me we were fine. He didn't cry and I just let him be. But I didn't really get a lot of sleep as I am checking on him from time to time. He was so tiny and super cute. We survived our first night and so I was ready for our second night but a friend came by and sort of connected with our baby boy so he said he will try to take care of him for a week and see how it goes and he fell in love with our Maxie. Finally, our Maxie found a new home, but we really miss him too. 

When Max's dad needs to go to another province for a week he asked me to take care of him and of course, I said yes but at the same time I am worried. I'm not sure if I can take care of him that long. To be honest I was a mess the first few days. I even stopped doing my exercise and it kind of threw me out of my routine. But I just love the fact that Max is waiting for me every time I come home from work. I didn't show it but I was always excited to go home and play with him (hahaha). Maybe because he's so cute that I can't do anything other than watching him or playing with him or cuddle him (hahaha).  I never cleaned my room that much when I was alone but when Max was staying with me I had to mop my floor twice just so it won't smell bad inside. I would say he took most of my time but I didn't really mind. I was still finding the balance of having a dog living with me. 

The second week of having him was a bit easy cause we were able to make a routine. I have trained him with the pee pad, it took off a lot of work once he can pee and poop on his pee pad. Trained him a bit with the "sit down" routine. He's so cute!!!! He's very playful and he likes to bite things. I had a lot of scratches cuz of him. He bit me so many times but only soft bites.  There are times he's fine with cuddle time but there are times that he doesn't even want to play with me (hahaha). He's kind of moody too. And he eats a lot!!! like super a lot (hahaha) maybe because he's growing that's why. Those two weeks proved that I can take care of another living thing aside myself (hahaha). Max came just the right time when our family lost a very dear member. He helped me not to wallow on the despair and the grief. Because of him, I was able to accept my dear uncle's death with little less pain in my heart. While the rest of my family had been crying and just thinking of the sad things I was busy taking care of Max. He definitely helped me cope up with the sadness. He became a good distraction during those trying times. While he was with me everyone was telling me to officially adopt him, but I told them that he's dad wants him back and I can't just take him from his dad.  And so here I am missing him every day.

 Whoa never thought I would survive those weeks. I think I have been a little bit more responsible during those weeks (hahaha). When I go home for good I would definitely get a dog. 

Here are some of our photos:









Here's my vlog

“The dog is the perfect portrait subject. He doesn’t pose. He isn’t aware of the camera.” – Patrick Demarchelier